Network Security Implementation


Network Security Implementation

Networks, the backbone of IT infrastructure, are growing more complex with the introduction of voice and video apart from data. Network determines the way organizations do business and now has a great influence on business operations. Network and perimeter security goes hand in hand and hence a real time monitoring of “what is going on” is to be performed, analyzed and remediated. The geographic spread of organizations and the need to have a secure network has made network management the need of the hour. Network management has become more challenging due to the heterogeneous network infrastructure, scarcity in skilled human resources and the tools required for monitor and manage.

Our expertise on heterogeneous network infrastructure includes LAN, WAN, Optimization and Compression technologies and perimeter security devices like Firewalls, IDS / IPS and proxies. With the help of Network Services from M/s Technowise Solution LLC organizations can attain a robust and reliable network infrastructure.